Saturday, March 20, 2010

Chicago Asian Americans Rally in Washington for Immigration Rally

From the Asian American Institute:

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sung Yeon Choi-Morrow
Community Organizer
Asian American Institute
Phone: 630. 615. 9551


CHICAGO, IL -The Asian American Institute (AAI) has sent 49 local people to Washington, D.C., to gather for tomorrow's March for America rally for comprehensive immigration reform. The group left Chicago by bus on Saturday night, and will arrive in Washington on Sunday morning, where they will join an anticipated crowd of 100,000 supporters of immigration reform.

Almost 2/3 of immigrants from Asia came to the U.S. through family immigration. But those from Asian countries have to endure some of the worst immigration backlogs in the world. "Every day is an eternity when you long for family - and some in our community wait 22 years to be reunited with loved ones," said Tuyet Le, executive director for AAI, who will be one of the speakers at the rally. The March for America rally is held to show elected officials how many people are affected by the immigration system, and demand that they prioritize comprehensive immigration reform. In addition, community members from across the nation will be sharing their own personal stories with the broken immigration system.

Several attendees from AAI's group have experienced the broken immigration system first-hand, or have experienced how it separated their families. Liuan Chen of Wheaton, Illinois is rallying in DC to bring her family back together. Her stepfather, Mr. Huang, left the United States voluntarily in June after being detained by the Department of Homeland Security, facing deportation unable to get documentation. Chen's mother still faces deportation after her permanent residency application was dropped, because she divorced her previous husband, who was her visa sponsor. However, her mother remains here legally, having been granted a temporary stay to care for her children, ages 9 and 11, who are citizens. "They are separated by an ocean and a system, when all they are trying to do is make a living," Chen said.

In addition to AAI's group, more than 100 Asian Americans from the Chicagoland area will attend the March for America. Other local organizations sending participants by bus include: Coalition for a Better Chinese American Community, Korean American Resource and Cultural Center, and Alliance of Filipinos for Immigrant Rights and Empowerment.

Several rally-goers from the local area will use social networking to boost awareness of March for America, and to share their personal experience from this symbolic journey to Washington. Find post updates on
Facebook and tweets on Twitter.

Follow the group on Twitter from now until Sunday as it marches through Washington, then to the rally held on the National Mall beginning at 2 p.m. EST.

Available for Media Interviews:
Tuyet Le, Executive Director of AAI, 773-456-3589
Liuan Chen, 409-223-8606

Links on the Web:

March For America