I decided to institute something new this summer, among the many goals I tend to set every year when we supposedly have a little more time on our hands. Sometimes it's cleaning the garage or the basement. Other times it's to run one to two miles a day. Or my all-time favorite, cook a new dish. Well, I think I came up with my best idea yet: one-hour Tagalog lessons at least once a week. It usually works when my mom and I are sharing a meal together. I ask her to talk only in Tagalog with me and I'm supposed to respond back.
Let's just say it hasn't been easy. I easily get frustrated and my brain just goes blank. I look at an object and I can't even begin to figure out what the word would be for it. But the minute I hear it, it's like a no-brainer. It's definitely strange. But the more I do it, I've gotten a tad better.
So here's just a sampling of what I've learned. And this is raw, so you'll have to forgive me for typographical errors:
-Kamusta ka na: How are you? (I used to always say Ku-musta, wrong).
-Walang anuman: Not a problem, that's nothing (in response to thank you)
-Biro mo: Not sure on the direct translation, but it kinda means, Could you believe that. Or, if you can believe that, a response.
I learned another word as well, but I won't share that one. I'll have a lot more to share as I get better hopefully.
What are some phrases you always use in Tagalog, for all my non-native speakers? And I'm talking real words not fun four letter words or dirty jokes. Seriously, what was helpful for you when you tried to learn the language? And yes, going to the Philippines for 6-12 months counts. I'd love to do that some day.
6 years ago